Wednesday, 24 April 2013

JB yo

If you're in Notts at the weekend, get yourself down to the 42 skateboard emporium for 17.30 Saturday (the 27th April), for a showing of Cliche's new video 'Bon Voyage'.

Eldridge and JB sections be all you need to know.  To get you in the mood, here's Monsieur Jean-Baptiste (to his momz, JB to the rest of us) Gillet's 411 Rookie's section from way back in the late 90s.  Basically, any 411 or Puzzle section that included dope French 'ip 'op (Lunatic in this case) and baggy-ass sweat pants is a must watch as far as I was/am concerned.  And to y'all 20-somethings out there, check out what a certain London-based mogul has to say about JB as his inspiration for the recent range of Palace threads:

1 comment:

  1. Further to this, Manolo's only gone and remixed a load of old and new JB footage to Wu-Tang!!!!
